Dear Pooh is in the same vain as a Dear Abbey.
It is different though in a couple of ways.
One, it is on the Internet.
Two, all answers come out of the little brain of the
Taoist Master, Pooh.
One might ask what is Taoism? It's really quite simple.
It calls for living without preconceived ideas
about how life should be lived...
but it's not a preconception of how life...
It's...Well, maybe you should just send your dilemma
and listen to Pooh, if you really want to find out.

While Eeyore frets...
and Piglet hesitates...
and Rabbit calculates...
and Owl pontificates...
...Pooh just IS.
And that's a clue to the secret wisdom of the Taoists.


to send everyday problems for Pooh to ponder press below


For harder problems in which a trained therapist can answer press below.

Pooh Submission List

Sad and lonley in my own space
Rather Watch Football
Turned Off
Fast Lanes
Late Night Computing


Sad and lonely in my own space

Dear Pooh,

I have been with my boyfriend for 4 and a half years now. We do not live together, we are not engaged, not even a promise of !. We are very close, our hearts truly connect. We have different lives, him with 2 teenage boys , me with a 9 year old boy. Somehow, we can't seem to make this all fit together for our happiness. His family is his and mine (as small as it is) are completely seperate. We are both in our mid 45's and I don't see this relationship moving in a forward direction. He ony has a 3 bedroom home that doesn't seem to fit us in at all. We only spend our days there when his 2 boys are at their mothers and that is when he is working,

or when his boys are there, then we stay at our own home. I am deeply in love with this man, but feel his life is all about his kids 18 & 20 and not about him and I. Do I need to walk away?, If he really loved me (us), wouldn't he put his own feelings before two kids of this age? Will we ever fit? or must we sit back and wait till his kids are in their 30's before one moves out and we can be together?. Is this wrong?, does he really love me or should I start all over and cut my losses.
...Signed, sad and lonley in my own space.

Dear Sad and lonley in my own space.
I'm having a pot of honey and reading a book with Owl and Piglet.
Come back soon and we'll see what we think or will we think what we see?

Pooh submission list













Dear Pooh what am I to do...
I am a 16 year old girl and I feel that I am alone,
It's not that I don't have friends but sometimes
I feel that they have betrayed me.

 Dear Nicole
I think I need some more honey.
Come visit me later
and I'll try to help after I've eaten.

Hi Nicole
I'm sorry I was gone so long.
I ran out of honey so I went to Rabbit's house.
Rabbit didn't want to share any of his honey with me
so I went to Tigger's. Tigger shared some of his honey with me.
Tigger is a good friend, he always shares things with me.
Tigger and I were talking about friends and we both
agree that friends don't betray one another.
When I can't find any friends to be with
I really don't mind being alone.

Pooh submission list









Dear Pooh what am I to do...
Any idea of transcendence (i.e." being")
can only exist in reference to that which is being transcended.
Since the solution cannot exist without the problem,
in fact exist only in constant reference to it,
what in the final analysis is transcended?


Dear RWE
Let me give you Owl's phone number,
he might be able to help you.
Oh what have I done with that number...
I had it around here somewhere...
Oh here it is.
What was your question again?

Pooh submission list








Rather Watch Football

Dear Pooh what am I to do.
I hate to write copy, especially on Sunday afternoons.
But if I do not write my copy my dear friends Blythe & Jeff
will not have anything to work on for our Power Point project.
So I am writing, writing...oh dear pooh,
I have prayed for a talented copywriter to ease my lazy burden but what to do.
I think I know the answer o Pooh, but what are you but not a bear to talk to...

...Rather Watch Football


Dear Rather Watch Football
Why can't you do both at the same time?

Pooh submission list









Turned Off

Dear Pooh what am I to do...
When I am driving in my car,
sometimes there are idiots in front of me
that do not put on their turning signals
to signify they are turning.
This really bothers me. Please help me.
...Turned Off


Dear Turned Off,

Pooh submission list









Fast Lanes

Dear Pooh what am I to do...
Sometimes when I go to the grocery store to buy a small amount of items.
Fortunately they have special checkout lanes
for shoppers with less items (10 items or less express lanes)
designed specifically for in/out service. (Theoretically)
I hate when there is a person in front of me who tries to change these simple rules
and tries to slid through with more than the recommended amount.
...Fast Lanes


Dear Fast Lanes,
If you are in such a great hurry to buy, make, and eat your food,
why then don't you just go to a fast food joint and order your meal?
At least that way you are eliminating a couple of steps before you eat.
No line & no cooking, go straight to the honey jar.
Did you say honey?? I love honey.
Do you know where I can find some.
I heard rabbit had some!


Pooh submission list











Late Night Computing

Dear Pooh what am I to do...
I use my computer until 4:00am
...Late Night Computing


Dear Late Night Computing,
Go to sleep.

Pooh submission list

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