What if the Jeb
Bush folks in Florida , anticipating a large
pro-Gore/Leibermen vote, especially by the Jews & Blacks in certain
cleverly arranged to have ballots for those counties printed on a slightly
thicker or more fibrous paper; which would increase the probability
of the
"Chads" of paper (or whatever one calls the little piece which
the voter's
stylus is supposed to punch out) failing to detach completely. Since
voting machines flatten out the ballots prior to counting the holes
punched in
them, this tends to push the not-completely-detached "chad"
back onto the
ballot prior to its punch-holes being read by the counting device, which
results in a "no vote" reading. This should be easy to check
out by:
1. Acquiring examples of the ballots in question, then comparing them
examples of other paper ballots from areas where the error rate is lower.
2. If step 1 indicates that the paper is different, proceed to:
3. Find out who printed the ballots for Palm Beach County, et al; who
the different paper to be used, etc.