Our Future: Where Are We Going?

This listServ was created to provide you with a forum to discuss current events and their impact on our future. This is a place where we can share thoughts, opinions, links or anything that is relevant. I know there is subject matter that can divide people due to strongly held convictions. I hope we are able to present our individual point of view on a subject without feeling the need to make personal attacks against someone who may disagree. It is only while we are communicating that we may begin to understand our differences. Hopefully over time we will all realize that our differences are inconsequential and that we all have similar goals. It seems to me that it is often the differences of method that get in the way of our common goals.

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In case you are unfamiliar with how a listServ works and/or Yahoo Groups in particular I thought I should mention a few things. When you receive an email it will come from one of the people in the group. If you hit reply to that email it will be sent to the entire group to read/comment on. So any emails sent to our-future@yahoogroups.com will be delivered to the whole group. If you wish to send a personal comment to the person who wrote the email then make sure to note their own email address.

If you are already a member and want to modify the way you receive your emails click the following link to go to the group homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/our-future

Once you've clicked the link above select SIGN IN. It will prompt you for your YAHOO ID & PASSWORD. If you already have one enter that there. If you don't have a YAHOO ID, it is free and all you have to do is click SIGN UP NOW on the left side of that page which will take you through a couple sign in screens. If you are not a member of this group select JOIN THIS GROUP. Once you are successfully logged into this group you can modify the way you receive your emails. Select EDIT MY MEMBERSHIP which is at the upper right corner of your screen. You can choose to receive all messages in individual emails, receive all messages combined into a single email, only messages from the moderator or just view messages online without any emails at all. You can also choose to format your email in HTML or PLAIN TEXT.

Well that should be enough to get you started using this group. If you have any questions feel free to email me directly:Jeff@JBInteraction.com

I'd say the sky is the limit regarding topics. Express your thoughts, send some good links, share your point of view – communicate.

Jeffrey Veltman